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A doctor will give Telephone or Telehealth advice as long as you are a current patient and have seen a doctor
face to face in the past 12 months and don’t require a physical examination. Email is only used under
circumstances where a patient is living out of town and does not have access to a phone. This would only be
general advice. As email is not a secure method of delivery and we do not recommend this as a preferred
method of contact. A non Medicare fee may be charged could apply. (Up to $80). The practice email is not
monitored on an hourly basis.


The Maranoa Medical Centre is a privately billing practice.  Veterans Affairs are bulk billed. Aged pension and health Care Card holders will be charged at a concession rate.  Please note that a fee will apply for consultations on a Saturday and after hours for all patients except Veterans Affairs card holders. Please present your Pensioner or Health Care or Veterans Affairs card to qualify for the concession fees.

An account will be issued after the consultation and we ask that payment be made at the time. We provide Medicare Easyclaim which allows you in most instances to obtain your Medicare rebate on the day, provided you have an Eftpos card which has a savings or cheque account attached.


Consultation/Medicare Rebate


Short Consultation-  $45.00     Rebate- $18.20


Standard Consultation- $80.00     Rebate $39.75


Long Consultation- $120.00      Rebate- $76.95


Extended Consultation- $160.00   Rebate- $113.30


Antenatal Consultation- $80.00     Rebate- $42.40


Audiometry Consultation- $50.00   Rebate- $19.70


ECG Consultation- $30.00    Rebate- $16.55


Spirometry Consultation- $40.00    Rebate- $18.50


Health Care Card Holder Consultation- $5 less (except for Antenatal)

Age Pension Card Holder- $10 discount on consultation


Failure To Attend Appointment Will Result In A Fee Of $45.00

You must notify Reception with one hours notice if you are unable to attend your appointment or you will be charged with no rebate. 


Some out of pocket costs are incurred for ECG's, spirometry, pregnancy tests, excisions and cryotherapy to skin lesions.  A full list of such costs can be obtained from the reception staff. Pathology, Xray and scan costs can be obtained from the relevant provider.

Chronis disease careplans, and Health Assessments will continue to be bulk billed as well as childhood, and government funded vaccinations. If other issues not related to this are discussed at the appointment then an out of pocket fee will occur.  




Any patient with an abnormal test or investigation results will be contacted by phone or SMS and recalled as
deemed necessary by the consulting doctor. Doctors will advise if the patients need to make a follow up
appointment to discuss their results. Test results can now in some instances be given over the phone if
requested and booked as a telephone consultation These may include Pap smear results, pregnancy tests and
other results where a physical consultation is not required. Check with your doctor about other exceptions to this

Nursing staff and reception staff do not give out results unless authorised by the doctors.


All doctors provide antenatal shared care with the hospital or an obstetrician as well as post natal checks.


Doctors in this practice occasionally take part in clinical audits that assist them to improve the quality of care provided to patients.

Clinical audits involve the doctor recording information on the treatment prescribed or recommended to patients with a particular illness.  Your doctor may participate in clinical audits on medicines run by the National Prescribing Service (NPS).  None of the information your doctor records for this clinical audit will identify the patient.  Please be assured by this practice and the NPS that all information collected, used and stored remains anonymous as required under the National Privacy Principles.  If you would like more information, please take a leaflet or ask your doctor.

If you do not wish your anonymous information to be used as part of the NPS clinical audit, please inform reception staff or your doctor


All medical records are treated as strictly confidential. All staff working at the Maranoa Medical Centre sign a confidentiality agreement and are aware that breach of confidentiality is a dismissible offence. Patient consent is obtained prior to the transfer of any personal health information to a third party. Exceptions to this are rare but include circumstances such as public health safety, law or if disclosure is necessary to prevent a serious or imminent threat to an individual's life.
In some instances de-identified personal health information is used for carrying out public health or other medical research. Under these circumstances the patient cannot be identified. Please indicate to your doctor if you do not consent to the use of de-identified personal health information. A copy of the Maranoa Medical Centre's full information policy can be provided on request




©2019 by Maranoa Medical Centre.

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